01-Found |
02-Move after Checkmate |
03-La Oreja (The Ear) |
04-Across the Himalaya |
05-Self-portrait with Marcos Santos |
06-零點五先生 Probability Of Love |
07-Light of insight |
08-團長,謝謝你 Step Up for Shanghai |
09-DM |
10-夢貘 Chime |
11-My Toy |
12-出家 Leaving Home |
13-小鎮青年 Town Youth |
14-A 90's kids paradise |
15-久久能智神 Kukunochi |
16-The Life and Times of Jenah |
17-獎狀 Certificate |
18-種下一棵小苗子 Lucky Tree |
19-Solace |
20-花徒 The way of flower |
21-人生演奏會 The Concert of Life |
22-Gone Muse |
23-Repeated memories |
24-Papa Delivers |
25-The Librarian |
26-Dubai-Into the Future |
27-我在生日這天迷了路 Wrong Way Trip |
28-Journey |
29-Two Men on the Rooftop |
30-Smile |
31-Kak Irej |
32-My Love |
33-喬 Joel |
34-The Unknown Person |
35-彩虹樓梯 The Way Home |
36-The Hindu Boy |
37-藝術是人類心靈最重要的養分 I Still Believe that Art Can Purify the Souls |
38-Astronaut |
39-The Park |
40-The Fortress |
41-Veggie Go Round |
42-不老棒球隊 A dream come ture |
43-Chasing Nutcracker |
44-游木人生 Life Stage |
45-I.(Self-portrait. Manifesto) |
46-Blue Phantasm |
47-希望快遞 Hope Express |
48-When Cicadas Sing |
49-金珠子 Miss |
50-Silence Again |
51-Time Killer |
52-芭蕾小姐 Sig. na Balletto |
53-跌打 Dead Da |
54-回憶交響曲 Symphony of Memories |
55-28日 |
56-送愛到茂林 Sending Love To Maolin |
57-Amour Nour-Muddy Love |
58-Broken Threads |
59-逆時光藝術 Journey to The Time Capsule |
60-Strings |
61-從心開始 Love Game |
62-窒息.未來 A Suffocated Future |
63-希望 Hope |
64-別來無恙 You are in my heart |
65-當花開果成時 Blossom and Come to fruition |
66-Stay there... |
67-無常的眼淚 -Tears of Impermanence |
01-Balu |
02-The New Story of the Earth |
03-The Eye of the Bread |
04-Small Steps |
05-House-to-House |
06-One Place Different Space |
07-Dance of Love |
08-Sagiso |
09-Nuggets-The Lesson |
10-The Dinner |
11-Seed Cultivation |
12-Mom's Helper |
13-The Postman |
14-Tsurezure Kankan |
15-Pacing the Pool |
16-Sinergia |
17-My Grandma Is a Vegetarian |
18-Voices and Locks |
19-西裝/Suit |
20-TATT |
21-思慕魚/To : Where I Belong. |
22-安熄/Candle |
23-海月/Aurelia |
24-溺水的魚/Drowning Fish | 25-醉甜/Zui Tian |
26-擺渡之間/Wander |
27-小狗大盜:狗狗演員之畢業製作選擇拍狗的我們是否搞錯了什麼 |
28-載祢一程/Give You a Lift |
29-對門/Embrace it |
30-對門/Embrace it |
31-光芒/Shine |
32-浪浪攏有厝/A Home |
33-泳遠/Swimming Far |
34-勇敢的母親 |
35-等待.奇蹟/Awaiting Miracle |
36-夢。青春/From the Beginning of Youth |
37-Tree House |
38-雨水/Spring Shower |
39-讓天賦自由 |
40-姐要讓你知道 我挺你/I'm Behind You! |
41-何處桑梓/Nostalgia |
42-一炷香/Bon Appetit |
43-Yellow Line |
44-距離/Distance |
45-Resurrection Under the Ocean |
46-平安/The Amulet |
47-花度/Flower by Man |
48-違禁品/Outlaw |
49-嚴肅活潑/Serious and Lively |
50-A Dream |
51-The Sprayer |
52-孕產檢查/Five Limbs |
53-拼圖/A Clear Picture |
54-Water is Life |
55-Fearless_ Ep Lammers |
56-They |
57-重生 愛遇希望/Hope of Tabakai |
58-我想說的,你聽得到嗎/The Words Left Unspoken | 59-記得不記得/Remember Not Remember |
60-The Wasted Effort |
61-Cracked |
62-Rainbow |
63-佛光西來/Buddha's Light Hsi Lai School |
64-花/Flower |
65-送愛到那瑪夏/Sending Love to Namasia |
66-挽回/Domestic Violence |
67-缘起/The Alternate Life |
68-星星照夜長/Glow In The Dark |
69-Òsányín's Ewé:the secret of the leaves |
70-親愛的奶奶/VENUS OF KOREA |
71-漫漫回家路/Way back home |
72-施比受更有福/The Power of Giving |
73-守護·永續/The Guardian |
74-十五碑日常/The Colour of Brickfield |
75-重生/Rebor |
76-失地?濕地!/Lose Land? Wetlands! |
77-萬能修理鋪/Make me feel alive |
78-人生充電器/Choice |
79-日常/The Loop |
80-Ping Pong Parkinsons |
81-Full Memory |
82-Lulebore |
83-Mkunga/Midwive |
84-52赫茲電台/52Hz |
85-雙人舞/Dance along the Coast line |
86-Farmer |
87-The Space In Between |
88-平行時空的21公克 |
89-Fate Sucks |
90-Scratch the Surface |
91-Dad, Shall We Sing Something | 92-Origin |
93-隔離/Isolation |
94-Three drops of Life |
95-伴娘/Bridemaid |
96-最美的聲音/The Most Beautiful Voice |
98-The Reclaimers |
99-西蘭卡普/Tujia story under the epidemic |
100-看不見的太陽/The Sun In My Heart |
01-港灣 / KAWAN |
02-包子 我和狗 / I want to go home |
03-殘山剩水 / Lake on the mountain |
04-那些,美好時光 / Happiness |
05-新北市身障游泳代表隊 / The way out |
06-願 / Hope |
07-悔憶 / Regretful memories |
08-承襲前輩的態度:辰記擊劍 / Inheriting the Attitude of Predecessors:SilverWing Fencing |
09-覆牌 / Duel for the Past |
10-黑夜即逝 / Unforgettable Memories |
11-油彩記憶 / Tallow Pencil in Memory |
12-牛奶不過期 / The Expiration Date |
13-CUPID |
14-惘 / LOST |
15-你若安好,便是晴天 / IF you are well , it will be sunny. |
16-黃昏化妝師 / The twilight tales |
17-楨姐 / Đặng Tú trinh |
18-庸有 / Own Dinary |
19-台北日和 / Taipei Biyori |
20-黑潮 / A Silver Lining |
21-50-50 |
22-奉茶 / THE GIVER |
23-分 / Separate |
24-摯友 / My Friend | 25-12:15 |
26-印象禪武 / IMAGE |
27-生之夢 / The Dream Of Death |
28-長不大的守護者 / The Young Protector |
29-花開 / Blossom |
30-驚啥 / Kiann Siánn |
31-三好路 / Sanhao Way |
32-廚師 / Chef |
33-自由的溫度 / The Heat of Freedom |
34-你可以和我一起不呼吸 / Where there is the ocean, for me to fall into. |
35-時食魔術師 / In-season food magician |
36-爸爸的手機 / Father's Phone |
37-透明的孩子 / Invisible Children |
38-鍵盤 / Keyboard |
39-活著 / We Are Still Living |
40-生活在一起 / Kill Two Birds With One Stone |
41-有夢去追 / Run For Your Dream |
42-河豚 / Bruise |
43-浮標 / Buoy |
44-洄家之路 / The Road to Home |
45-心眼 / Inner Sight |
46-一 / One After Another |
47-金魚草 / Twine |
48-綻放之種 / Blüte |
49-我願 / I vow |
50-同學 你好嗎 / Goodbye Our Youth |
51-夢迴人間 / Lucid |
52-實習費 / The internship Fee |
53-弦外知音 / Send My Breath Away |
54-圓夢 / A Dream Comes True |
55-有此藝說 / Art Says |
56-日後,回家路 / After Journey |
57-念 / A Flash of Thought |
58-好好好 / Ok, Yes, and Sure | 59-牠們的第二個家 / Where is the home |
60-與子偕老 / Grow Old With You |
61-一半 / Yes and No |
62-陋巷裡的春天 / Spring in the Alley |
63-球中有道 / Can I Play? |
64-啞爸 / Love in Silence |
65-末路 小島 戀人 / The Island |
66-回家放假 / Home Holiday |
67-最後一日 / Last Day |
68-愛情埋葬事件 / Grave |
69-我可以買一份快樂嗎 / Can I Buy Happiness? |
70-南國夢 / Missing Pieces |
71-送愛到桃源 / Sending Love to TauYuan |
72-單車計劃 / The Way to Happiness |
73-無鏡 / INFINITE |
74-微光 / A Little Shine |
75-牛家人 |
75-牛家人 |
77-鯨在八斗子 / Cetaceans in Badou Zi |
78-家長簽名 / Sign |
79-後山樂園 / Paradise |
80-親愛的陌生人 / Dear stranger |
81-千禧頻道 / The Millennials |
82-彩虹眷村 / Rainbow Village |
83-月亮愛你 / Don't cry for the moon |
84-FLight |
85-(MATA)tapos din / The View for Hope |
86-囚鳥 / Prisoner Bird |
87-樹人 / Pride |
88-記憶中的味道 / A Taste of Memory |
89-年夜飯 / Chinese New Year |
90-餘溫 / Residual Temperature |
91-城市,明天 / Liminality | 92-選擇是改變 / The Choice is to Change |
93-Don't Judge A Book... |
94-三顆馬達 / Three motors |
95-最後面試 / Final Interview |
96-嚴選阿嬤/My Grandmother, the Decision Maker |
97-一念真善美 / A Moment of Truth, Kindness |
98-希望 / The Hope |
99-不可抗力 / Force Majeure |
100-無法忘記的回憶 / Unforgettable Memories |
01-信任的風箏:教育的初衷 |
02-兒子再見 |
03-1980的紅色卡帶 |
04-平等 |
05-語花‧配角 |
06-順風車 |
07-Once Again |
08-迴家 |
10-賣夢老人 |
11-雷煌 |
12-我是父親的腳踏車 |
13-薄霧微光 |
14-當下 |
15-美好的原住民語言 |
16-知善 |
17-最後的記憶 |
18-亡記 |
19-安心家 |
20-都市遊俠:險路不險 |
21-亭仔腳 |
22-台灣真善美 |
23-恩情 |
24-無私 |
25-逝 |
26-TOUCH |
27-快遞訊息 |
28-癮漠 |
29-與浪共存 |
30-青春祈 |
32-超人的禮物 |
33-遠山遺愛 |
34-背後 |
35-月亮走,我也走 |
36-家好月圓 |
37-午後 |
38-有你相伴 |
40-微光 |
41-回家 |
42-AMIR (阿米爾) |
43-自覺 改變 希望 |
44-順服的下一站 |
45-拾憶 |
46-落進西裝裡的太陽 |
47-NO |
49-海濱公園的分岔小徑 |
50-聽見台灣 |
51-飯飯之交 |
52-我要紅 |
54-紙飛機 |
55-選擇超能力 |
56-向星星許願 |
57-甜憶 |
58-凡夫 |
59-深邊 |
60-晚安時間 |
61-浪迴 |
62-愛在即食 |
63-音緣際會 |
64-逆光 |
65-無人之境 |
66-到此一遊 |
67-BUMP |
69-一千四百度的溫暖 |
70-糖葫蘆 |
71-被擁抱的溫度 |
01-三好貓 |
02-綠色好生活 |
03-爸爸,你在哪? |
04-減塑生活 |
05-体?之心 |
06-?木 |
07-Mr. Garbage |
08-環境痕跡 |
09-建設人間淨土 |
10-救救地球救救我 |
11-Aligth |
12-KAPIT (Hope for Life) |
13-可可守護偏鄉學童夢? |
14-好人唔易做 |
15-餘燼的溫度 |
16-Environmental and Spiritual Preservation |
17-Faith in Dharma |
18-環保與心保 |
19-大安哈環保 |
20-同步人心 |
21-心有環保 |
22-她與牠 |
23-旅行看世界 |
24-狗狗遇見你 |
25-善栽 |
26-鬖鬖 |
27-如果當初 WHAT IF |
28-龍樹菩薩的故事 |
29-Her Sunshine (她的陽光) |
30-美善人間 |
31-三好便當盒 |
32-One Good Turn Deserves Another |
33-例行事項 |
34-善 |
35-四葉草的奇蹟 |
36-懵然 |
37-紙箱人 |
38-登堂入室 |
39-Straw and Turtle |
40-節能減碳從我做起 |
41-節能減碳動起來 |
42-讚美的呼喚 |
43-台灣人為所造成的汙染及影響,以及台灣環境乾淨美麗的面貌。 |
44-「忘年」榮民晚年生活微電影 |
45-拒絕薄片塑膠 |
46-回饋,三好的實踐 |
47-迎接明天 邁向光明 |
48-一句話的力量 |
49-逆旅 |
50-幸福的循環效應 |
51-你我同個屋簷下 |
52-當您老了 |
53-小小的力量 |
54-你是我兒子嗎? |
55-蔬食A計劃 |
56-禮物 |
57-我愛佛陀 我愛三好 |
58-意氣三好俠 |
59-Feeding America |
60-和平綻放 |
61-給。善緣 |
62-環環相扣 |
63-曙光 |
64-傾聽 |
65-佛?的那些事? |
66-幸福開箱文 |
67-“?or?y”對不起 |
68-Link相連 |
69-事佛 |
70-環保從心開始 |
71-關愛之家 |
72-Legacy of Kindness |
73-釋良緣 |
74-善於日常 |
75-友善大地 環保無毒新農 造福永續 |
76-從心開始 |
77-愛心請從這餐溫飽開始 |
78-零錢 |
79-媽 湯涼了 |
80-傷痕 |